Letter of Inquiry to the Playboy Foundation is going through approval from Fractured Atlas. On Friday, Sarah and I impulsively called the offices of Robert Kenner and Doug Pray, directors of "Food Inc." and "Big Rig," respectively, seeking advice, mentorship, support, who knows? I recently saw "Food Inc." and its messages and images have stuck in my mind more than just about any movie I've seen in a long time. "Big Rig" is a documentary we recently watched the follows a number of long-haul truck drivers around the United States and presents their stories in an intimate way. We are looking to present the lives of Americans in a similar portrait style in our film.
Coming up on our to-do list: calling our scholarly and professional contacts to organize planned interviews along the road. I'm especially excited to contact Nanette Sawyer, a pastor at the Wicker Park Grace faith community in Chicago, whose book Hospitality the Sacred Art: Discovering the Hidden Spiritual Power of Invitation and Welcome examines hospitality from a Christian viewpoint, bringing people closer to God and each other.